If there's one thing I'm good at, it's making simple things complicated. Get through elementary school, get through high school, make it into college, right? I just can't ignore my heart which is screaming (loudly) "Taylor Elchert Photography" while my mind is quietly nudging towards Xavier. I want the experience and the opportunities that college brings, but then, I can only wonder where my business could have taken me. I want to continue a career involving my passion, but then, I can only wonder what other talents and passions I could have found in college. 
It's not so simple, but it helps to know that I have a family constantly supporting me... and that God is two steps ahead of me. Always.
Thankfully, I have something that eases my mind (if even for a little while). And, that something is working on session sneak peeks! I hope you enjoy these shots of my adorable, sweet, and cheeky 6 month old cousin, Stella. I love this little miss SO MUCH, and trust me, I had a really difficult time choosing images for the sneak peek because all of them capture my heart. Enjoy <3
I suppose the truth is, I'll never be sure about the big life changing decisions (at least not nearly as sure I am about my love for cheesy potatoes and negative space). But that's the excitement in the ride, right? And if I do happen to fall off (which I'm sure I will), I can always brush myself off, and climb right back on.
Smiles and lots of love, Taylor
I haven't been to Paris, but I have seen beauty. I've never seen a clown or a comedian, but I have witnessed a belly laugh. I'm guilty of quite a few, myself. I've never met Cupid, but I have seen true love and I know how it feels. And no, I haven't actually seen Santa Claus, but I've witnessed magic. I have never seen the Great Pyramid of Giza, but I have experienced wonder in a child's eyes. I'm no philosopher, but I know it's the small moments, the everyday moments, that have the most significance. They are also the things you are likely to overlook. I did not witness God's seven days of creation, but I can recognize a miracle when I see one.

To all of my clients, this is a prime example of a Lifestyle Session. I captured her entire bath time ("spa time" afterwards included)- Just something to think about when you schedule your next session with me. I love capturing those fleeting everyday moments and I know you will love looking back at them.
Anyway, I promise that things are starting to get back to normal around here. I feel like I haven't posted a sneak peek in decades, because I just have so much going on. It's strange because after this past week, all I have wanted to do is write. I just couldn't find the time. In any case, I want to thank all of you for the wonderful feedback I received regarding my video. I am so blessed.
Stay tuned because my Valentine's Day Special will be revealed tomorrow!
 Much love and have a wonderful Sunday! <3<3<3
Smiles and lots of love, Taylor
Over break, I've been busy in my studio! I did some selling, a little pitching, a bit of crafting, and a lot of cleaning. I'm very happy with the outcome and I CANNOT wait to get a subject in here. Break has been nice but I am so ready to get back behind the lens. Unfortunately, my next session isn't until Saturday. What was I thinking going a whole three weeks without sessions? I know this is supposed to be a relaxing break, but I'm going crazy over here!
I was never big on New Year resolutions. I never really needed one. This year, as I was looking through Pinterest posts on New Year's Day, I found my resolution. I prettied it up, printed it, and framed it. On my vanity it will always sit. Reminding me everyday.
Smiles and lots of love, Taylor
1. Seeing my little cousins' faces as they told Santa what they wanted for Christmas...
2. Seeing Jamie's face when she unwrapped a box full of beer..
3.Participating in the ugly sweater contest...
(photo credit to my mom)
My Uncle Paul won. His prize was a handmade ornament by the one-and-only miss Carly Poe.
4. Watching Mara fall absolutely in love with a stuffed cat. Reminds me of myself when I was her age...
5. Seeing my mom's reaction when she unwrapped her ipad 2...
Okay, so I guess my favorite "gifts" are really just memories. But those are the best kind of gifts, right? 
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
Smiles and lots of love, Taylor
PS- Wish me luck tomorrow. I am getting my wisdom teeth removed:/
I recently had the pleasure of photographing the youngest Beaston! The last time I photographed this little miss, she was just a newborn. It is quite amazing seeing little ones hit their milestones. Although, Kamryn has such long hair- I would never guess that she is only 6 months old. She looks more like a 1 year old to me! However, I would guess that she is Lexi's little sis. Photogenic genes DEFINITELY run in this family. Kamryn thought the camera shutter was the funniest and most intriguing sound ever. I wish all little ones thought so!
Ahh, this has been a stressful week (and it's only Wednesday...). I've been up past obscene hours every night this week finalizing Christmas card orders and sessions and weddings and exam reviews, only to climb into bed counting the things I need to finish the next day, while feeling extremely unaccomplished.  How is it that a person can wake up at 6, go to school till 2:45, work from 3pm-1am (whether that means missing dinner or not), and still feel unaccomplished? It's bad.  I know it's bad.  When people start becoming just "people" to me- that's how I know it's bad. When I feel like I haven't really had a real conversation with my boyfriend, or best friend, or sister in days... probably because I haven't. That's how I know it's bad.
Thank goodness for my mom, who stayed up with me last night helping me fix the "baked goods plate" that all NHS member must do while I mourned over the loss (no exaggeration) of my failed red velvet cake balls, and then, convincing me that the mismatched chocolate plate was really pretty and yummy looking (even though deep down, I knew it wasn't, but I believed her anyway). She knows how to cure my obsessive perfectionism-even when I am in tears-possibly because she's a perfectionist herself.
Thank goodness for my brother, who gave me the one of the best pieces of advice I've heard : "Just chill out for two seconds."
Thank goodness for my dad for reminding simply that life goes on.
And THANK GOODNESS for my blog for being here for me to vent to. Whether anyone reads my long rants, or not. And I seriously give you credit if you stuck it out through the whole thing!
Smiles and lots of love, Taylor
I finally did it. I finally made my Facebook page into an "official" business page. Although I should be happy, I am feeling a little like I've just been broken up with. You see, the only reason why I wanted to change it into a true page so badly was because I wanted to be able to change my profile name to "Taylor Elchert Photography". Unfortunately, Facebook does not allow you to do that if you have over 100 likes. I have 823, so I missed the mark by a little. I'm pretty sad about it because since I made the new page, I lost all of the photos I previously had. It's also strange because I can no longer have private messages with clients. At least I don't think I can... I'm still figuring this out. If anyone has any tips on the whole "page" thing, PLEASE fill me in. I'll get the hang of it eventually.
Even though I am feeling blue, looking at these photos of Laila Rose cheer me up instantly. Laura might just kill me for posting this one below since Laila's hair is a mess. I, however, LOVE it. Note to self: save for "happy" project! ;)
There is a link to my Facebook page at the top of my website. Hmm, it will take a little getting used to, but that's with all new things!
Smiles and lots of love, Taylor
I know I've been MIA this week, and here's why: 
This is my current workspace (not that it doesn't usually look this way).  Not only do I have random scribbles on post-its, notebook paper, business cards, envelopes, and college post-cards, but I also do have a "to-do" list on my computer desktop.  I'm a list person.  Kyle may make fun of me -he has superb organizing skills- but this my way of organization. I coordinate what info is on what absurd piece of paper. My college visit information is on the blue envelope to the thank you card from a friend, the Christmas Session winners/dates are on my SAA college card, etc.  I think it's a pretty effective system I've got going!;P Anyway, this week has been extra stressful and I apologize for my absence!  
In preparation for my Christmas Sessions coming up, I've been experimenting! And yes, I realize that at this time I should probably be posting a sneak peek, but I'll save that for another time mainly because I don't have one ready! This is my favorite shot from my experiment...
This is my sweet Westley Bear who is in need of some serious grooming. His beard is slowly turning into a darker shade of brown... and he smells. BAD. Really really really bad. I've been waiting for the Petsmart to open in Findlay so that he can finally get a true "Westie haircut" by their professional groomers.  Regardless of his brown beard and foul smell, he sure makes an adorable model. Adorable, yet difficult.  His nose is out of focus because he would not stop turning his head.  He will sit or lay down perfectly, but he can't keep his head still for the slightest second!  Anyway, I can't wait to use this bokeh effect for my Christmas session Saturday with my quickly growing cousin, Stella. Maybe she will be able to keep her head still? We will see.  Seriously though, you people better be prepared for some serious bokeh happening up in here. I think I'm in love.
Well, unfortunately, I can't ramble any longer. I need to get photos and addresses around to ship off tomorrow, prepare for my FIRST tutoring session tomorrow (Algebra 2. wish me luck), get a portfolio started, burn photo discs, respond to emails, get photos/film organized for the senior slideshow, finish applying for college, and of course, work on editing sessions/weddings. 
See why I need a million lists?
Smiles and lots of love, Taylor
The days leading up to the day that someone very special to many was called to heaven 14 years ago, I had no idea what it would feel like being the age that she was on this day. I had no idea that I would feel anything at all.
Growing up is not so easy. But it is a privilege denied to many.
It's been 14 years. I think of you often, miss you much, and love you always.
In honor of the start of Best Paw Forward, Kyle and I took some senior photos with our dogs! Unfortunately, my two terriers were VERY uncooperative so it only resulted in two photos of me with my boys.  It also resulted in me cutting burrs out of Westley's hair (but my mom doesn't know about that part yet! Oops!). Of course Kyle's pup was the perfect little model. I should've known better than to expect so much out of my two crazy dogs... 
But, I still love them like a crazy person.
Both of these photos of myself were taken by my sister, Jamie. Thanks for dealing with my "abuse" and "yelling". I still don't see it... I just want things done right. I love you, sissy;)
The rest were, of course, taken by me. I really loved photographing these two handsome guys!
Be sure to click on the Best Paw Forward tab at the top of the page.
I hope, more than anything, to change shelter animal's lives. Every animal deserves to feel love.  It absolutely breaks my heart that for many cats and dogs, shelter life is all they know. Help spread the word and ADOPT!
Things I am loving this Tuesday:
1. My big kitty, Bentley, was my model yesterday as I played with my new lens. Not only is he gorgeous, but he is such a sweetheart. I'm glad I got this shot yesterday because today he got his whiskers caught in Allie's watch and now they are all bent up. Either way, I love my new lens and of course I love my kitty!
 2. My Epiphanie camera bag rocks. I can't even express how much I am in love with it. It even comes with a special pocket for my iPad, which I don't own yet... but someday I swear that I will;) Photos of myself with my beloved bag are soon to follow, but here is the shot from the Epiphanie website! It looks a little small in the shot but it fits my camera, all of my lenses, and I still have room for a water bottle, my keys, and my phone (and of course my future iPad).
3. Pumpkin Cupcakes have been my snack for the weekend! They were delicious and very easy to make.  Sadly, yesterday, my dog jumped on the table and ate every one. Including the paper.
4. Pinterest has been distracting me from getting stuff done. Ah, but I love it anyway.
5. Hello Kitty and Tinkerbell have always been favorites of mine and my sweet little cousin, Jayci, loves them too! I loved seeing her yesterday, but I simply can't believe how big she is getting. I swear I was just rushing off the to hospital to meet her and take her photos when she was just hours old. Nevertheless, she is a doll, her hair is just to die for, and she is, without a doubt, the cutest tink I've ever seen! 
This story board below just kills me. It shows so perfectly how Jayci runs nowadays: little arms fluttering and chubby legs hurdling. 
It's memories like this, that I want to preserve for parents. 
Smiles and lots of love, Taylor